Prezıdenttiń Álemdik jáne dástúrli dinder kóshbasshylary VII seziniń jabylý rásiminde sóılegen sózi

NUR-SULTAN. QazAqparat – Memleket basshysy Qasym-Jomart Toqaevtyń Álemdik jáne dástúrli dinder kóshbasshylary VII seziniń jabylý rásiminde sóılegen sóziniń tolyq mátini jarııalandy, dep habarlaıdy QazAqparat.

Asa qadirli meımandar!

Qurmetti Sezge qatysýshylar!

Qazaq jeri eki kúnnen beri túrli mádenıetterdiń syndarly suhbat ortalyǵyna aınaldy.

Dúnıe júzindegi bedeldi dinbasylar bir shańyraqtyń astyna jınaldy.

Sizder barsha adamzattyń kúsh-jigerin ortaq múddege jumyldyrý úshin álemniń ár túkpirinen kelip otyrsyzdar.

Osynyń ózi dinaralyq kelisim men yntymaqtastyqtyń qanshalyqty mańyzdy ekenin kórsetedi.

Shyn máninde, bárimizdiń maqsatymyz – bir.

Bul – órkenıetter úndestigin ornatý jáne beıbitshilik pen turaqtylyqty nyǵaıtý.

Sezde kóptegen salmaqty oı, salıqaly pikir aıtyldy.

Onyń bári bizdiń úılesimdi álem qurý jolyndaǵy is-áreketimizge oń yqpalyn tıgizedi dep sanaımyn.

Men alqaly jıynǵa arnaıy kelgen álemdik deńgeıdegi rýhanı kóshbasshylarǵa zor alǵys aıtamyn.

Sondaı-aq, bizdiń bastamamyzǵa qoldaý kórsetken saıasatkerler men halyqaralyq uıym ókilderine shynaıy rızashylyǵymdy bildiremin.

Forýmdy ótkizýge belsene atsalysqan dıplomattarǵa, volonterlerge, jýrnalıster men basqa da azamattarǵa raqmetimdi aıtqym keledi.

Dear Congress participants!

Our forum has taken place at unique and highly consequential global moment. It is historic in its own way.

As we face an increasingly turbulent geopolitical post-pandemic world, it becomes more crucial to develop new approaches to strengthening inter-civilizational dialogue and trust at the global level.

I believe today’s forum has made a significant contribution to this vital ongoing work.

On behalf of the people of Kazakhstan

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to His Holiness Pope Francis for his historic visit to our country and participation in the work of the Congress.

We are confident that your passionate voice and strong message will be a source of inspiration and hope for many millions around the world.

Osy oraıda, asa qadirli Rım Papasy Frantsıskke elimizge tarıhı saparmen kelgeni úshin Qazaqstan halqynyń jáne jeke óz atymnan taǵy da shynaıy alǵys bildiremin.

Sez jumysyna ózińizdiń belsene qatysýyńyz – biz úshin zor mártebe.

Sizdiń álem jurtshylyǵyna arnaǵan úndeýińiz jer júzindegi mıllıondaǵan adamǵa úmit pen senim syılaǵany anyq.

The participants of the Congress have shared their perspectives, offered valuable ideas, and generated insightful proposals on many pressing issues. Most importantly, they have focused their thoughts on peace and cooperation between faiths and peoples.

We have collectively condemned both «power politics» and «hate speech,» which contribute to the mutual alienation of nations, the erosion of states and the degradation of international relations.

Today, as never before, it is vital to put to good use the peacemaking potential of religions, to unite the efforts of spiritual authorities in search of long-term stability.

All faiths are based on humanistic ideals, recognition of the supreme value of human life, and the aspiration for peace and creation.

These fundamental principles must be reflected not only in the spiritual area, but also in the socio-economic development of states and international politics.

One of the most important topics was how to overcome inequalities of all kinds since they are a source of national upheaval and global crises.

Special emphasis was placed on digital and gender issues, on the importance of education, and on the role of religion in eliminating social divides.

Another fundamental objective was the search for ways to strike a balance between economic growth and spiritual and moral progress.

I am convinced that religious leaders can and must insist on simultaneous and complementary spiritual and technological development.

Dear Participants

As we conclude our work together here, I am convinced that spiritual leaders can and will help in overcoming the contradictions of the modern world, and in achieving greater wellbeing for all humanity.

A meaningful and highly detailed Declaration has been adopted at the conclusion of this Congress.

This important document covers fundamental issues and can serve as a guide for governments, political leaders and international organizations.

Our joint task is to consistently promote the concepts and principles of the Declaration.

I also believe it is necessary to prepare a Concept document for the Development of the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions for the years 2023-2033.

This Concept document should include concrete steps and stages in further strengthening the influence of our forum.

In line with its domestic and foreign policy priorities, Kazakhstan will fully support the consistent activities of the Congress.

Our aim remains to promote an open dialogue among civilizations and to strengthen peace and stability.

Once again, my sincere gratitude to all of you and let’s work together for the sake of peace, tolerance and cooperation.

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Seıchas chıtaıýt